Current Teaching Position
Full-time Tenured Faculty
Antelope Valley College
Lancaster, CA
Teach various courses: General Biology, Botany, Organismal Biology, Environmental Biology.
Mentor students in Undergraduate Research Activities.
Attend to National and International conferences as a presenter or mentor.
Create educational material
Current Research Project
Co- Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation
Award Number (FAIN): 2316506
National Science Foundation
Award Number (FAIN): 2120432
Project: RCN-UBE: The BUZZ: Engaging Community College Students in Native Bee Biodiversity Research (2023 - 2028)
Project: RCN-UBE: CALL: The Campus as a Living Lab (2021 - 2022)
Doctorate Degree
Biological Sciences
Tucuman, Argentina
1996 - 2000
Dissertation: “Desarrollo de la Musculatura Mandibular e Hioidea en Leptodactylinae del Noroeste Argentino” Summa Cum Laude
Dr. Néstor Basso (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
Dr. Esteban Lavilla (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán)
BS Biological Sciences
Tucuman, Argentina
1980 - 1986
Thesis: “Receptores de Membrana en Linfocitos de Tyto alba tuidara (Gray, 1878)”
Dr. Francisco Fernández (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán)
Summary of Work Experience
Tenured Assistant Professor
School of Biology
Universidad Nacional de Salta
Salta, Argentina
2000 - 2009
Courses Taught: Chordates - Vertebrates​
Co-authored: Vertebrados y Ambientes de la Provincia de Salta. Book Publisher: EDUNSA, National University of Salta, 280pp. Argentina
​Advisor of BS students​
Directed Research Projects funded by the Research Council of National University of Salta
Attended and participated in Scientific Conferences (Herpetology field)
Published peer-reviewed papers
Collaborated with Biological Museum collections focused on anurans (Museo de Ciencias Naturales-UNSa)
Adjunct Instructor
Community College System
Antelope Valley College
College of the Canyons
Cerro Coso College
2006 - 2019 (combined)
Taught General Biology (Lecture & Lab), Organismal Biology (Lecture & Lab), Environmental Biology (Lecture), Anatomy & Physiology.​
Authored educational material: Embracing Nature on Campus: An Illustrated Guide to Plants of Valencia Campus”, 115 pp. Printing work funded by College of the Canyons Foundation Mini-Grant
Collaborated with the development of open educational resources
Participated in Leadership training​s​
Obtained an Online Instructor Certification
Participated in numerous professional trainings and activities
Spanish (native)
English (proficient)
French (basic)
Professional Memberships
Asociacion Entomologica Argentina
California Botanic Garden
California Native Plant Society